LevynLight Wiki
Menu P The Masters Forge

The Master's Forge allows Seekers to upgrade their weapons. Increase your Weapon Mastery level for any weapon of your choice to increase its power! Be aware of the Upgrade Cost before using the forge!

NOTE: An upgraded weapon will not retain its bonus when traded or given to another Seeker.

Mastery Interface


This feature can be accessed from the inventory page.

All weapons in Levynlight can be upgraded, but every weapon can be upgraded up to level 5 Mastery only. Upgrading to level 5 Mastery will increase the weapon's total power by approximately 60% of the base power. See Upgrade Power Calculator for more details.

Every weapon has a basic level 1 mastery. To upgrade the weapon up to lvl 4, you will need Mastery Scrolls, which can be bought in the Esert Village Shop for 100 gold. To upgrade it to lvl 5, you will also need a Mastery Manual, which can be bought for 49 Seeker Silver from the shop. It is also tradable.
